Megan E. Gluth-Bohan, ESQ.

CEO & Owner
Megan Gluth Bohan

Megan was born and raised in the Midwest, where her personal motto and work philosophy can be summed up best by her grandfather: "Measure twice, cut once."

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Learn more about Megan

  • Serves as Vice Chairman of the Board for the Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD)
  • Serves as Treasurer for the Chemical Education Foundation (CEF)
  • EY Mountain West Entrepreneur of the Year, 2023
  • ACD Chemical Distributor of the Year, 2022
  • Women Presidents Organization (WPO) Women 2 Watch List, 2022
  • Puget Sound Business Journal “40 Under 40” Honoree, 2016

Tell us about your role at Catalynt:

I joined Catalynt in 2012 as the Company’s first General Legal Counsel. My leadership of the Company expanded, and after serving as Catalynt’s President, I became the Company’s CEO in 2018. In 2020, I acquired a majority ownership interest in the Company and in 2021 completed my purchase of the remaining shares. I am now proud to be the sole owner and the Chief Executive Officer of Catalynt.

I am responsible for overseeing the day-to-day affairs of the Company’s business, as well as providing the leadership and creation of the Company’s strategic plan for the future. I serve as an executive who drives Company innovation and performance by empowering and challenging the Catalynt team to be both excellent and rigorous. I also bring my training as an attorney into my daily work, offering both legal guidance and my own unique pragmatism to every situation.

In addition to my work at Catalynt, I currently serve as Treasurer on the Board of Directors for the Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD), and Treasurer on the Board of Directors for the Chemical Education Foundation.

About your education or work experience:

I obtained my BA from the University of Minnesota and my JD from the University of St. Thomas School of Law- both in Minneapolis MN. Prior to joining the Catalynt Team, I was a practicing attorney in the areas of business /corporate law and civil litigation. I am licensed to practice in Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington.

What sort of hobbies do you have? OR How do you typically spend your leisure time?

I love the great outdoors- hiking, kayaking, snowshoeing and camping. I also love travel, great books, yoga, hot cups of strong coffee, and the New York Times Crossword puzzle. I have a daily meditation practice, and appreciate stillness as much as I do the rush of business. I love my roles as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.

What is your favorite thing about working at Catalynt?

I love my teammates. Every day I am grateful for the genuinely good people on this team. In addition, I find the daily business of Catalynt and our industry to be both challenging and fascinating.

What would you like people to know about you?

I believe who we are is reflected more in our actions than our words. I strive to be a woman of strong character. I value honesty, fairness, and humility. I do not believe there is any substitute for hard work. Most of all, I aim each day to be a woman my daughters can admire.

Other than appearance, what is the first thing that people notice about you?

I am not sure what people notice first, but it doesn’t take long for people to figure out I am good natured, while also being firm and direct. I am often overheard saying “give me the baby not the labor.” I think that sums up my personality pretty well.

List your top 3 favorite Podcasts/Books?

Three excellent books: Personal History by Katharine Graham; Ten Percent Happier by Dan Harris; and The Patriarch by David Nasaw. I love to read … email me for a longer list of good reads!

What three traits define you?

Pragmatism, Integrity, and Resilience

What advice would you give your younger-self if you met you as a kid?

Keep believing in your potential, always trust your gut, and never drink Southern Comfort. ☺

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

I love classical music, and I would love to learn to play the cello.

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