Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate

Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate also known as SAPP and Disodium Pyrophosphate is produced by heating sodium dihydrogen phosphate. Applications include food and beverage (popular leavening agent found in baking powder, used in very sweet cakes which mask the off-taste, canned seafood, it is used to maintain color and reduce purge, frozen hash browns and other potato products, where it is used to keep the color of the potatoes from darkening); agriculture (pet food used in cat foods as a palatability additive, removal of hair and scurf in hog slaughter and feathers and scurf in poultry slaughter and industrial (petroleum production, it can be used as a dispersant in oil well drilling muds, leather treatment to remove iron stains on hides, dairy applications for cleaning, remove soapstone). CAS # (7758-16-9)

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